Over the last 6 years, I have helped countless product leaders transform their organization and build world class teams.
Here is what I have learnt.
21 lessons on transforming and building world class product teams.
- The path to transformation is not linear. It happens slowly. Start with 2 – 3 lighthouse teams. Prove the new ways of working. Then scale.
- Transforming a product organization is a team sport. Make sure you have the right executive sponsor(s) across the organization.
- Lighthouse teams need special care. Pick the right area (product, team, technology etc.) that will provide them with the best chance of success.
- There is no one right way of doing things. Start with the modern product development principles and then customize.
- OKRs, team composition, and funding have a far greater impact on the team’s success than process. (Read that again.)
- Rule of thumb: Start with the user (their needs, desires, and wants). Link it to business outcomes. Create cross functional teams. And give them the space and support to deliver that value.
- Most teams are not good at product discovery. If you are only going to make one investment, make it here.
- Changing titles (i.e project managers to product managers ) is cosmetic. What you do to help them adopt best practices is what matters.
- Putting best people in one team ≠ high performing product teams.
- Hiring great product managers and hoping that they will lift the rest of the team, does not work. Changes need to go deeper.
- It’s wishful thinking to provide training and expect teams to adopt new ways of working. Training is important but just one step.
- Training only your front line product managers and not middle management, is a sure fire way to kill transformation.
- Driving adoption requires a multi pronged approach. You need a customized change plan for each of your key stakeholders.
- Invest in communication. What you communicate (within and across your organization) is just as important as what you accomplish.
- Provide your team with experienced product coaches.
- Implement large-scale operating model changes, last not first. And only after you have proven the new model works.
- What usually holds teams back is the constant focus on building. And not enough focus on “are we building the right thing?”. You can help change that.
- Stop talking. Stop trying to convince everyone. Just start. Get a win. Build from there. The rest will follow.
- The organization will treat you differently, only after you have proven out the new approach. Not before.
- There are no shortcuts to building world class product teams. You cant buy it. There are no silver bullets. It has to be earned, team by team.
- Invest in yourself. Product leaders need support too. Find a trusted advisor to guide you through the change.
There you go.
Apply this in the new year, and there’s only one way to go – 100% upwards.
Happy building!!