Took me 6 years of transformations to learn this
Lessons from helping product leaders transform and build world class product teams
Mustafa Kapadia
Jan 11, 2023

Over the last 6 years, I have helped countless product leaders transform their organization and build world class teams.

Here is what I have learnt.

21 lessons on transforming and building world class product teams.

  1. The path to transformation is not linear. It happens slowly. Start with 2 – 3 lighthouse teams. Prove the new ways of working. Then scale.
  2. Transforming a product organization is a team sport. Make sure you have the right executive sponsor(s) across the organization.
  3. Lighthouse teams need special care. Pick the right area (product, team, technology etc.) that will provide them with the best chance of success.
  4. There is no one right way of doing things. Start with the modern product development principles and then customize.
  5. OKRs, team composition, and funding have a far greater impact on the team’s success than process. (Read that again.)
  6. Rule of thumb: Start with the user (their needs, desires, and wants). Link it to business outcomes. Create cross functional teams. And give them the space and support to deliver that value.
  7. Most teams are not good at product discovery. If you are only going to make one investment, make it here.
  8. Changing titles (i.e project managers to product managers ) is cosmetic. What you do to help them adopt best practices is what matters.
  9. Putting best people in one team ≠ high performing product teams.
  10. Hiring great product managers and hoping that they will lift the rest of the team, does not work. Changes need to go deeper.
  11. It’s wishful thinking to provide training and expect teams to adopt new ways of working. Training is important but just one step.
  12. Training only your front line product managers and not middle management, is a sure fire way to kill transformation.
  13. Driving adoption requires a multi pronged approach. You need a customized change plan for each of your key stakeholders.
  14. Invest in communication. What you communicate (within and across your organization) is just as important as what you accomplish.
  15. Provide your team with experienced product coaches.
  16. Implement large-scale operating model changes, last not first. And only after you have proven the new model works.
  17. What usually holds teams back is the constant focus on building. And not enough focus on “are we building the right thing?”. You can help change that.
  18. Stop talking. Stop trying to convince everyone. Just start. Get a win. Build from there. The rest will follow.
  19. The organization will treat you differently, only after you have proven out the new approach. Not before.
  20. There are no shortcuts to building world class product teams. You cant buy it. There are no silver bullets. It has to be earned, team by team.
  21. Invest in yourself. Product leaders need support too. Find a trusted advisor to guide you through the change.

There you go.

Apply this in the new year, and there’s only one way to go – 100% upwards.

Happy building!!


Written by Mustafa Kapadia

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