I look to my audience for new ideas.
When I am stuck and looking for new topics to write about.
I try to start a conversation with my new subscribers (especially the ones that just joined). This helps me understand their needs better. Which in turn allows me to come up with new ideas.
The same philosophy applies with products.
If you take time to learn the needs of your new customers, find out why they signed up, and what they are looking for. You too will find it easy to come up with a host of new features.
So then, how do you stay close to your new customers? Here are 5 simple and effective techniques.
Consider the following strategies…
#1. Ask Them:
Sounds simple enough. But most product organizations don’t have a routine mechanism or process of reaching out to new users and asking them what they want / need.
It does not have to be fancy, you can use surveys, feedback forms, comments, or ratings cards.
#2. Conduct Focus Groups:
But focus groups are great at identifying problems and blind spots. So, if possible, bring a group of new customers together for an open ended conversation. Talk to them about what they like, dont like, or wish they had. Don’t get defensive. Ask a lot of whys. You want to uncover the problem.
Word of caution. Focus groups are good for uncovering problems but not to validate solutions. Group think eventually takes over. For validation use prototypes.
#3. Review complaints:
Similar to the above thread, use the complaint (especially in the product review sections) to identify problems.
Complaints, in my mind, are a gift. It shows that the customers care. And if one person complaints there are probably at least 10 more that have the same issue.
#4. Become your competitors’ new customers.
Instead of asking your new customers. Consider becoming your competitor’s new customer.
Go through what the competitors offer – sign up, onboard, try out their features, lodge a complaint, chat online etc. Do everything that your new customers do with your products.
This not only helps you better empathize with your new customers. But insights gained here, can turn into new ideas for your own product.
#5. Seek feedback through online groups.
To get real unbiased feedback, join online communities (like Reddit) to see what customers are saying.
Almost every industry, product group, or topic has one nowadays. So read the posting, participate in the discussions (anonymously if possible), and learn what customers are saying. It might surprise you, you might find a gem.
Putting these techniques into action is not difficult. And if you make it routine, the impact can be quite dramatic.
Most of the suggestions listed above are not hard or expensive to execute. The key is to make it a routine.
Do it often enough, and you will find yourself drowning in new ideas that will allow you to not only meet the needs of your new customers. But also attract more (similar) customers and keep your product at the cutting edge.
Happy building!!