15 practical tips to improve your product team’s performance
How product leaders can make their teams more effective, empowered, and efficient
Mustafa Kapadia
May 11, 2022

This is Part 3 of a three part series on high performing product teams.

Five Building Blocks Of A High Performing Product Team.

In part 1 we explored the 5 key building block’s Google uses to create high performing product teams.

Here’s a quick recap. They are,

  1. Psychological Safety
  2. Dependability
  3. Structure
  4. Meaning, and
  5. Impact

In part 2, we shared with you, how product leaders can assess their teams across these dimension. You can download the assessment here.

This week, we will focus on a few of the practical tips you can use to help your team perform better.  

Practical Tips To Help Improve The Performance Of Your Product Team.

#1. Psychological Safety:

Product leaders can improve psychological safety for their team by,

  • Showing Vulnerability: Share your own imperfections and mistakes. It relieves you from the need to project the image of perfection.  And it makes room for the team to do the same. 
  • Managing Conflict Constructively: Encourage divergent opinions when the team is deciding product direction.  However, make sure to focus on the conflicting ideas, not on the people.  Resolve with data, if possible.
  • Celebrating Mistakes / Learning: Encourage team members to experiment and take risks.  If it does not work out, don’t blame the individual.  Use it as an opportunity to learn (blameless post mortems work great).

#2. Dependability:

Product leaders can improve dependability within their teams by,

  • Creating Team Guidelines: Bring everyone together to agree on team values and norms. Put into action what the team should stop, start, and continue doing.  
  • Providing Autonomy: Discuss with your team on the why (context) and the what (goal). Let them come up with the how.  Be open to their approach and provide constructive feedback.    
  • Growing Skills: Ensure team members are working on challenging tasks that match their interests and team values.  Coach and guide where needed.  Celebrate successes.

#3. Structure:

Product leaders can improve structure for their teams by,

  • Creating Cross Functional Teams:  Make sure that all the stakeholders are represented in the product team. And that each member is aware of their responsibility and expected contribution.
  • Clarifying Structure Regularly: Things change.  So make sure you regularly check in to ensure strategy, roles, & tasks are clear and trackable.  If not, update them with the team.    
  • Aligning Often: Set aside time in your team meetings to ensure that team members are aware of what everyone else is working on.

#4. Meaning:

Product leaders can improve meaning for their teams by,

  • Uncovering Interests & Motivations: Don’t assume everyone shares the same motivation as you.  Spend time with each team member to understand what makes them tick.
  • Aligning Motivation With Mission: Align team member’s interests/passion, strengths, development goals with the product missions that would be a good fit.
  • Celebrating Successes:  Both personal and professional.  Communicate team updates and wins upward.  

#5. Impact:

Product leaders can improve impact for their teams by,

  • Creating Outcome Based Product Vision:  Co-create with your team a clear outcome based product vision (values, purpose, mission, strategy).  Focus on impact to both the user and the business.  
  • Developing Team & Individual OKRs: Build quarterly and yearly product OKRs.  Craft it at both the team and individual levels.  Make sure the OKRs are visible and accessible to all.  
  • Monitoring OKR Progress Frequently: Don’t “set & then forget” OKRs. For them to be effective, check their progress regularly. I do it once a month. Update OKRs if they are obsolete.   

If you like to learn more visit Google re:Work.

One More Thing…These Tips Are Not Magic Bullets.

Depending on how low the morale is of the team, you may have to do quite a lot more than just these tips.  

However, from my own personal experience, by putting these tips into action. You will not only help you uncover the root cause of your team’s sad performance.  But also put you on the path to real change.

After all, behind every great product is a high performing product team.

Happy building!!

This article is part of a three part series

  1. How Google Builds High Performing Product Teams (link)
  2. Are your product teams high performing? (link)
  3. 15 practical tips to improve your Product Team’s performance (this article)

Written by Mustafa Kapadia

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